(833) IVEY-GRP
(833) 483-9477
"I have been blessed with incredible challenges and the instruction that only experience provides. Whether it was successfully negotiating multi-million dollar transactions, helping a client through a terrifying legal challenge, or defending my client during a surprise raid by 40 federal law enforcement agents - I have learned from it all. My source of professional satisfaction is in harnessing my skills, experience, and judgment to help my clients in their success. Being a valued team member to my clients is a valuable reward."
Roger Ivey
Roger Ivey is an alumnus of the United States Military Academy at West Point, a former Army officer and an experienced in-house attorney. Roger is licensed in Texas and California and has worked extensively in the fields of real estate, healthcare, internet technology, and general business operations. As an Army JAG officer he was recognized for his performance as a criminal prosecutor and his practice of administrative law, the law of war, and legal assistance. As a young Captain Roger was selected to direct the Army's largest tax assistance center. He is respected among his peers for his contract drafting and negotiation skills. As an entrepreneur, Roger began his own real estate technology and information company, and was a key player in a logistics technology startup and a national health care Software as a Service company focusing on health information exchange and data analytics.
Roger now provides depth and breadth of experience to serve the legal needs of businesses of all types. He understands the complex challenges entrepreneurs, start-ups, and mature companies face, and seeks to provide high-quality legal services for companies of all types and sizes.
For those businesses whose counsel needs are somewhat regular and predictable, the Ivey Law Firm provides subscription legal services. Your Outsourced In-House Counsel TM provides predictable and affordable legal services with the personalized attention you expect of an in-house attorney.